Jos & Chloé Depypere have the pleasure to present to you a unique and unseen experience at Galerie Jos Depypere. We invite you to rediscover art history through an audio-guided tour of landmark works in art history reinterpreted by our artists Bernard Pras, Bart Ramakers, Pjeroo Roobjee, Herr Seele, Julie De Bleeckere, and Giampaolo Amoruso.
1. Coléoptères – Giampaolo Amoruso
2. Aphrodite – Bernard Pras
3. Agnus Dei – Bart Ramakers
4. Aphrodites Child – Bart Ramakers
5. Garçon avec un Panier de Fruits – Bernard Pras
6. Het Hoofd van Johannes de Doper – Pjeroo Roobjee
7. Ad Sepulturam – Bart Ramakers
8. Rembrandt – Pjeroo Roobjee
9. The Garden of Eden – Bart Ramakers
10. Napoleon – Bernard Pras
11. La Source – Bernard Pras
12. L’Angélus – Bernard Pras
1857 & 1885 – reference to the work of Jean-François Millet “L’Angélus” and the work of Vincent Van Gogh “De Aardappeleters”
13. Ophelia – Julie De Bleeckere
14. Pornocrates 2.0 – Bart Ramakers
15. Déjeuner sur le Trottoir & Toast sur l’Herbe – Kama&Seele
16. Impressionism – Bernard Pras
17. Portrait of Cézanne & Bonnard – Rik Vermeersch
18. The Dream – Bernard Pras
19. Portrait of Soutine & The Little Pastry Cook – Pjeroo Roobjee & Bernard Pras
20. Le Secrets du Hareng Saur & Démons me Turlupinant – Bart Ramakers
21. Magritte – Kama&Seele
22. TikTokTikTokTikTok (x10000) – Kama&Seele
23. Frida Kahlo – Bernard Pras
24. Alberto Giacometti – Bernard Pras
25. Andy Warhol – Bernard Pras