Schenk een toekomst: Art for Nicaragua

November 18, 2024

Schenk een toekomst: Art for Nicaragua

November 18, 2024

At Galerie Jos Depypere, we feel honored to support the power of art and build solidarity together. With great enthusiasm, we contributed for the third time to the art auction Schenk een Toekomst, organized by VZW Autentico. This inspiring initiative brings together art and solidarity to give children in Nicaragua a better future.

This year we are proud to announce that the auction raised no less than 35.000 euros! These proceeds will primarily be used to improve education, along with additional support for better living conditions for these children.

Bart Ramakers
"Café Champions"

Especially for “Schenk een Toekomst”, art photographer Bart Ramakers has once again created, in collaboration with some well-known Flemish people, a beautiful work of art, “Café Champions.”

These works were auctioned to benefit charity and offer a rare opportunity to bring a unique piece by Ramakers into your home. Moreover, you can discover the creation process of these special works in the “making of”-video, which gives you a look behind the scenes of this unique collaboration.

Schenk een Toekomst is veel meer dan een veiling. Het is een moment waarop kunstenaars, verzamelaars en kunstliefhebbers hun krachten bundelen voor het goede doel. Elk kunstwerk dat geveild wordt, draagt bij aan een concrete verandering in het leven van Nicaraguaanse kinderen die onze steun hard nodig hebben.

Ook dit jaar was het evenement een groot succes dankzij de gulle bijdragen van de kunstenaars die hun werken hebben geschonken en de enthousiaste bieders die deze werken met liefde een nieuwe thuis hebben gegeven.

An evening filled with warmth and commitment

The auction was not only an opportunity to acquire beautiful works of art, but also an evening filled with warmth, commitment and a shared passion to do something for the children that Vzw Autentico has been supporting for years. We would like to share some photos from the evening to give you an impression of the special atmosphere.

We would like to thank everyone who made this event possible: the artists, the bidders, the volunteers and, of course, VZW Autentico.

VZW Autentico is an association working to improve living conditions in Tamarindo, Nicaragua. It focuses specifically on development through education and the promotion of entrepreneurship among children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18. This project is close to our hearts, and we are grateful for the support of our clients, partners and friends. 

Want to know more about Vzw Autentico or sponsor?

Are you interested in contributing yourself? Visit the
VZW Autentico website ( for more information and
sponsorship options.

Read more about “Schenk een Toekomst”:

  • Nieuwsblad: “Kunstveiling levert 35.500 euro op voor Nicaraguaanse vzw: Met deze som steunen we studenten en scholieren in het Midden-Amerikaanse land” (link)
  • KW: “Kunstveiling ter ondersteuning van studenten in Nicaragua brengt 35.500 euro op” (link)
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